- Foreword
- Highlights of the AIVC 2017 Conference in the June 2018 issue of the REHVA journal!
- Register now for the 39th AIVC & 5th venticool conference, 18 -19 September 2018, Juan-les-Pins, France
- IEA-EBC Annex 62 New Publications I Ventilative Cooling “Source Book”, “Case Studies” and “Design Guide”
- Ventilative cooling April 2018 Webinar- Recordings & slides now available!
- Proposal for IEA EBC Annex on Resilient Cooling
- AIVC March 2018 Workshop “Ventilation for Indoor Air Quality and Cooling” – Presentations available
- 25 June, 2018 I 1st European conference “BIM and energy performance of buildings”