1 June 2021, Webinar – Resilient Ventilative Cooling in practice
15:00 Europe/Brussels

The current development in building energy efficiency towards nZEB buildings represents a number of new challenges to design and construction. One of these major challenges is the increased need for cooling in these highly insulated and airtight buildings, which is not only present in the summer period but also in the shoulder seasons and in offices even in midwinter. Resilient ventilative cooling can be an energy efficient solution to address this cooling challenge in buildings.

This webinar presented solutions of ventilative cooling in practice in residential and non-residential buildings. Peter Holzer, operating agent of IEA EBC Annex 80 Resilient Cooling of Buildings, gave an overview, and speakers from industry demonstrated interesting ventilative cooling components.

This webinar was organised by INIVE EEIG with the support of the IEA EBC Annex 80 Resilient Cooling of Buildings (https://annex80.iea-ebc.org/), the IEA-EBC Annex 62 Ventilative Cooling (https://venticool.eu/annex-62-home/) and the venticool platform (www.venticool.eu), and in cooperation with the Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre (www.aivc.org).


  • 15:00 | Introduction to resilient ventilative cooling and venticool, Hilde Breesch - KU Leuven, Belgium | Slides, Recordings
  • 15:10 | Ventilative cooling components: An overview, Peter Holzer - Operating Agent EBC Annex 80, Institute of Building Research & Innovation, Austria | Slides, Recordings
  • 15:25 | Application of louvres to support ventilative cooling, Ivan Pollet - Renson, Belgium | Slides, Recordings
  • 15:40 | Questions and answers | Recordings
  • 15:50 | Examples of air flow enhancing and natural cooling components, Nick Hopper - Monodraught, United Kingdom | Slides, Recordings
  • 16:05 | Controlled windows for ventilative cooling, Peter Foldbjerg - Velux, Denmark  | Slides, Recordings
  • 16:20 | Ventilative cooling integrated design, Jannick Roth - WindowMaster, Denmark | Slides, Recordings
  • 16:35 | Questions and answers | Recordings
  • 16:45 | End of webinar

For further information please scroll down to download the flyer and slides and view the recordings.