8 November 2021, Webinar – Impact of wind on airtightness test results
15:30 Europe/Brussels

Building airtightness tests have become very common in many countries, either to comply with minimum requirements of regulations or programmes, or to justify input values in calculation methods. Thus, it has become very important to understand and quantify the reliability of these tests. According to the present ISO 9972 standard, the zero-flow pressure shall not exceed 5 Pa for the test to be valid. On one hand, in moderately windy conditions it may be impossible to perform a pressurisation test in accordance with the standard, even if an uncertainty analysis would show small test errors. On the other hand, the complexity of the impact of wind during a test, might lead to situations during which the 5 Pa requirements will be met, but the wind will induce an important error on the result. In addition, wind fluctuations during the tests create an additional uncertainty on the measurement result.

This webinar aimed at presenting the Ventilation Information Paper on the impact of wind on airtightness test results -published by the AIVC - and at presenting results of field measurements to better estimate and reduce the impact of wind fluctuations on airtightness test results.

This webinar was organised with the support of TightVent Europe and  the Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre.  Both initiatives are facilitated by INIVE.

AGENDA (Brussels time)

  • 15:30 | AIVC’s Ventilation Information Paper on the impact of wind on the airtightness test results, Valérie Leprince (INIVE, France) | Slides, Recordings
  • 15:50 | Field evaluation of techniques to reduce wind pressure fluctuations, Gary Nelson (Energy Conservatory, United States) | Slides, Recordings
  • 16:05 | Questions and answers-part 1 | Recordings
  • 16:10 | In-situ investigation of the impact of dynamic wind on fan pressurization method, Dimitrios Kraniotis  (OsloMet, Norway) | Slides, Recordings
  • 16:25 | Questions and answers-part 2 | Recordings
  • 16:45 | End of webinar

For further information please scroll down to download the flyer and slides and view the recordings.