Are there databases of ductwork airtightness?

There are two ductwork airtightness databases that are often discussed in literature [1]:

  • the French database from CEREMA: this database was created in 2016, it includes all the tests performed in France by a qualified tester in a regulatory or Effinergie certification context (1,300 ductwork airtightness measurements in 2018) [2]. The public agency, CEREMA, is in charge of the data collection and annual analysis of the database (which is not public).
  • the US database from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (ResDB): The LBNL Residential Diagnostics Database (ResDB) contains both envelope and duct leakage measurements for US homes (public database). There are approximately 30 000 duct leakage data until 2012 including total duct leakage and duct leakage to outside with details on buildings characteristics: type of home; state; year built; floor area; etc. [3]


[1] Leprince V., Hurel N. and Kapsalaki M., 2020. VIP 40 Ductwork airtightness – A review. AIVC, April 2020

[2] Moujalled B., Leprince V., Melois A. Statistical analysis of about 1,300 ductwork airtightness measurements in new French buildings: impacts of the type of ducts and ventilation systems. 39th AIVC conference ”Smart ventilation for buildings”, Sep 2018, Antibes Juan-Les-Pins, France

[3] Chan W.R., Joh J., Sherman M.H. Analysis of Air Leakage Measurements from Residential Diagnostics Database. LBNL Report, Aug 2012