
This video is from the International Energy Agency (IEA) Annex-62 Ventilative Cooling Seminar held at Brunel University London on the 17th September 2014.

Ventilative cooling is the use of natural or mechanical ventilation strategies to cool indoor spaces. It can significantly reduce the cooling energy demand in summer or mid-season conditions.

Over the past few years, there has been an increasing number of airtightness tests performed in Europe either for specific high performance buildings programmes or for a wide range of buildings in regulatory contexts.

While building airtightness is a key concern in Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings in most European climates, there exists already a wide range of commercially-available products specifically designed to minimise leakage in building envelopes.

The implementation of the EPBD recast puts increasing pressure on the market to achieve better building and ductwork airtightness: for most European climates and countries, good airtightness levels are necessary to achieve nearly zero-en

Recent Research and Characterisation of Sealants and Tapes 4 June 2013

The need for structured air leakage databases in energy conservation in buildings policies
25 May 2012

Interlaboratory tests for the determination of repeatability and reproducibility of airtightness measurements.

Experimental study of supply-only ventilation effectiveness

Demonstration of the spreadsheet "Minibalance" for balancing ventilation systems

Achieving better envelope in practice -- Norway
Recent Norwegian training and dissemination schemes

Airtightness and ventilation perspectives in Romania European context, regulation changes and progress needed
21 June 2011