9-10 October 2024, Conference, Dublin– 44th AIVC conference

The 44th AIVC conference "Retrofitting the Building Stock: Challenges and Opportunities for Indoor Environmental Quality" was held on 9 & 10 October 2024 in Dublin, Ireland together with the 12th TightVent conference and the 10th venticool conference. The conference will took place at Croke Park.

Conference Scope


TN 68: Residential Ventilation and Health

Exposures in homes constitute the major part of exposures to airborne pollutants experienced through the human lifetime. They can constitute from 60 to 95% of our total lifetime exposures, of which 30% occurs when we sleep.

27-28 March, 2019 | Quality ventilation is the key to achieving low energy healthy buildings

Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) together with the Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre (AIVC) organised a symposium entitled “ Quality ventilation is the key to achieving low energy healthy buildings ” held on 27-28 March 2019 in Dublin, Ireland. 

The 2 day workshop provided a wealth of insights from experiences both nationally and internationally. It informed approach on ventilation as a key component of delivering both new buildings and deep retrofit low energy buildings.