16-17 March 2015, Workshop, Lund –Voluntary and Regulatory Frameworks to Improve Quality and Compliance of ventilation and airtightness
16 - 17 March 2015 | Lund, Sweden
Elite Hotel Ideon
09:00 Europe/Brussels

Although ventilation and airtightness are covered in most countries by various regulations focussed on energy performance and/or indoor air quality, the effectiveness of these regulations is often called into question. A number of studies have shown significant deviations between assumed and actual characteristics of the building or equipment, possibly resulting in non-compliance to the regulation and/or degraded performance.

The principal objective of this workshop was to discuss and identify ways to reduce these deviations with or without regulatory measures, thereby increasing the confidence in declared values of documents produced to show compliance with the regulations.

Three aspects were more specifically addressed:

  1. how to improve the reliability of the input data used to issue Energy Performance certificates ;
  2. how to improve the quality of the works;
  3. how to take into account innovations in a compliance framework.

The workshop discussions were based on detailed presentations of schemes that were operational or under development to address those issues. In addition, specific interactive sessions were devoted to collaborative work. 

The workshop was organized by INIVE on behalf of the QUALICHeCK consortium; AIVC (Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre); TightVent (Building and Ductwork Airtightness Platform, www.tightvent.eu); venticool (the international platform for ventilative cooling, www.venticool.eu).