Over the past few years, there has been an increasing number of airtightness tests performed in Europe either for specific high-performance buildings programmes or for a wide range of buildings in regulatory contexts. This has led to the development of competent tester schemes to contain potential legal and competition issues.
The objective of this webinar was to give information on the status and trends in airtightness testing in Denmark, Ireland, and Sweden including the details and feedback on competent tester schemes.
This webinar was organized with the support of TightVent Europe (www.tightvent.eu) and AIVC. Both initiatives are facilitated by INIVE (www.inive.org).
It is the 3rd webinar organized on the topic of competent tester schemes. The two first webinars of this series addressed the situation in Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany and the United Kingdom. For more information on past webinars, visit: https://www.inive.org/events/webinars
For more information please download the flyer, slides and recordings (relevant links provided below).