9 December 2024, Webinar – Building Airtightness Impact on Energy Performance (EP) Calculations
10:00 Europe/Brussels

As it is now a well-known fact that air leakage can significantly impact the building energy performance, more and more countries are introducing requirements or recommendations on new buildings’ airtightness level in their energy performance regulation. One key aspect to encourage good practice and good airtightness levels in new or retrofitted buildings is to properly include the air infiltration impact in the EP calculation. Nevertheless, for a given building and at a given point in time, an accurate calculation of the infiltration flow rate under natural operating conditions would require determining the precise distribution of leakages and pressure across the envelope which is not feasible in practice. As a result, many simplified models have been developed and are used around the world to estimate the infiltration rate for EP calculations, with different levels of accuracy. AIVC’s Ventilation Information Paper n°46 “Building airtightness impact on Energy Performance (EP) calculations” describes those various methods and discussed their limits. In addition to the presentation of VIP 46, this webinar discussed the specific applications for the regulation in Czech Republic and the United Kingdom. It also presented the equilibrium pressure model included in the EN 16798-7.

This webinar was organised with the support of the Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre (www.aivc.org) and TightVent Europe.  Both initiatives are facilitated by INIVE.


  • 10:00 | Welcome & Introduction, Valérie Leprince (Cerema, France)
  • 10:05 | AIVC’s Ventilation Information Paper N°46 “Building Airtightness Impact on Energy Performance (EP) Calculations”, Nolwenn Hurel (Cerema, France) | Slides, Recordings
  • 10:20 | How is Building Airtightness Factored into the EP Assessment of Homes in the UK?, Xiaofeng Zheng (University of Nottingham, United Kingdom) | Slides, Recordings
  • 10:35 | Questions and Answers | Recordings
  • 10:40 | Estimating Energy Losses: EN 16798-7 Airtightness and Total Air Renewal Evaluation, Valérie Leprince (Cerema, France) | Slides, Recordings
  • 10:55 | Questions and Answers | Recordings
  • 11:00 | Building Airtightness in EP Calculation – Situation in Czech Republic, Jiri Novak (Czech Technical University in Prague, Czechia) | Slides, Recordings
  • 11:15 | Questions and Answers | Recordings
  • 11:30 | End of webinar

For further information please scroll down to download the flyer & slides and view the recordings.