Are there databases of building airtightness?

France, Belgium (Flemish Region) & the United Kingdom have national databases that gather most of measurements performed by qualified testers in their countries. Other initiatives also exist in Spain, Germany, Czech Republic, Estonia, Canada and the US ([1], [2], [3]).

  • Spain (from the University of Valladolid): 400 tests data collected as a one-time effort for the INFILES Project, which represents a minor share of the total measured data.
  • Germany (from The Association for Air Tightness in Buildings: FLiB e.V.)
  • Czech Republic (from the Association Blower Door CZ: A.BD_CZ): 100 records per year which represents less than 6 % of the total amount of tests performed by the members
  • Estonia (from the Tallinn University of Technology): There is no constantly updated database, the university has however collected and published measurement data several times
  • Canada (Natural Resources Canada)
  • the US (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)

The table below is a summary of the main databases characteristics in Europe and North America ([3])

More information can be found in AIRBASE, the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC (e.g. search on “database”), as well as the Proceedings of AIVC & TightVent Joint conferences and workshops.


[1] V. Leprince, F. R. Carrié and M. Kapsalaki, “Building and ductwork airtightness requirements in Europe – Comparison of 10 European countries” in 38th AIVC Conference “Ventilating healthy low-energy buildings”, Nottingham, UK, 13-14 September 2017, Nottingham, 2017.

[2] V. Leprince, M. Kapsalaki, F. R. Carrié, “VIP 37: Impact of Energy Policies on Building and Ductwork Airtightness” AIVC, 2017.

[3] I. Poza-Casado, V.E.M. Cardoso, R.M.S.F. Almeida, A. Meiss, N.M.M. Ramos, M.Á. Padilla-Marcos, “Residential buildings airtightness frameworks: A review on the main databases and setups in Europe and North America”, Build. Environ. 183 (2020) 107221.