Are there demonstrated energy savings from ventilative cooling techniques?
Several studies have demonstrated the energy savings potential of ventilative cooling techniques. Consult the list of articles below with details on the energy saving potential.
- Milbank, Neil O., Energy savings and peak power reduction through the utilization of natural ventilation Energy and Buildings, 1977. 1(1): p. 85-88.
- Fletcher, J., Martin, A.J., 1996. Night cooling control strategies, ISBN:0860224376.
- Blondeau, P., Sperandio, M., Allard, F., 1997. Night ventilation for building cooling in summer. Solar Energy 61 (5), 327–335.
- Givoni, B., 1998. Effectiveness of mass and night ventilation in lowering the indoor daytime temperatures. Part I: 1993 experimental periods. Energy and Buildings 28 (1), 25–32.
- Kolokotroni, M., Webb, B.C., Hayes, S.D., 1998. Summer cooling with night ventilation for office buildings in moderate climates. Energy and Buildings 27 (3), 231–237.
- Geros, V., Santamouris, M., Tsangrasoulis, A., Guarracino, G., 1999. Experimental evaluation of night ventilation phenomena. Energy and Buildings 29 (2), 141–154.
- Kolokotroni, M., Aronis, A., 1999. Cooling-energy reduction in air-conditioned offices by using night ventilation. Applied Energy 63 (4), 241–253.
- Shaviv, E., Yezioro, A., Capeluto, I.G., 2001. Thermal mass and night ventilation as passive cooling design strategy. Renewable Energy 24 (3–4), 445–452.
- Pfafferott, J., Herkel, S., Jaschke, M., 2003. Design of passive cooling by night ventilation: evaluation of a parametric model and building simulation with measurements. Energy and Buildings 35 (11), 1129– 1143.
- Pfafferott, J., Herkel, S., Wambsgans, M., 2004. Design, monitoring and evaluation of a low energy office building with passive cooling by night ventilation. Energy and Buildings 36 (5), 455–465.
- Gratia, E., Bruyere, I., De Herde, A., 2004. How to use natural ventilation to cool narrow office buildings. Building and Environment 39 (10), 1157–1170.
- Breesch, H., Brossaer, A., Janssens, A., 2005. Passive cooling in a low energy office building. Solar Energy 79 (6), 682–696.
- VeeTech Ltd. 2006. VENT Dis.Course. Distant learning vocational training material for the promotion of best practice ventilation energy performance in buildings. Module 1: Natural and Hybrid Ventilation.
- IEA, 2006.Technical Synthesis Report. Annex 35.Control Strategies for Hybrid Ventilation in New and Retrofitted Office and Education Buildings (HYBVENT).International Energy Agency.
- Finn, D., Connolly, D., Kenny, P., 2007. Sensitivity analysis of a maritime located night ventilated library building. Solar Energy 81 (6), 697–710.
- Awbi, Hazim B., Ventilation Systems. Design and Performance, 2008: Taylor & Francis.
- Wang ,Z., Yi,L., Gao,F., 2009. Night ventilation control strategies in office buildings. Solar Energy. 83: p. 1902–1913.