What Measurement Techniques are Available?

Measurements are needed to verify the performance of ventilation systems and to test the air-tightness of the building shell. They are essential for commissioning, diagnostic analysis, design evaluation and research. In addition, measurement results provide the fundamental means for understanding the mechanics of ventilation and air flow in buildings.Measurement data are also needed to provide background information for parametric studies on building air leakage characteristics, indoor air quality and ventilation system performance. Many measurement techniques have been developed with each having a specific purpose. An analysis of principal methods and applications is presented in the Guide to Energy Efficient Ventilation.

Techniques include:

•   tracer gas testing for ventilation rate and ventilation efficiency evaluation,
•   pressurisation measurements to determine building and component air-tightness,
•   anemometry techniques to measure air flow velocity and turbulence throughout a space,
•   sheet light and laser methods to visualise air flow patterns, 
•   flume models to design and predict ventilation performance,
•   wind tunnel techniques for pressure distribution evaluation.